Megs & Co is a small batch hand dyed yarn & fiber company located in Fairport, New York

Est. 2015

Meet Meg

Hello! My name is Meg and I am the yarn dyer behind Megs & Co.

Iā€™m passionate about creating exceptional yarn that inspires you to bring your creative vision to life. I offer a stunning array of colors, from soothing neutrals and inspiring naturals to bold jewel tones, all featuring vibrant speckles for captivating dimension in your finished projects.

I use only the finest fibers, including both superwash and non-superwash yarns, along with breed-specific wools, to ensure you have the perfect material for your needs. All wool and fibers are responsibly sourced from shepherds committed to cruelty-free and sustainable practices, so you can feel good about your choice.

I am dedicated to offering unique and innovative options, such as certified GOTS organic yarns, domestically produced Shaniko wool yarns, and my very special custom-milled yarn spun from domestic New York State wool called Ellis.

I sincerely believe that creativity has no boundaries. I am committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive space for all makers, regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, or personal beliefs. My business and online platforms strive to be safe spaces where everyone feels free to express themselves through their craft and celebrate the unique perspectives and experiences that make our community so special.

Craft With Meg Every Wednesday Night!

Roc Fiber Night

Fiber Night is a weekly meetup for fiber artists and makers in the Rochester, New York area.

We meet every Wednesday night, 6-8 PM, at various places all around the greater Rochester to craft together and share our love of the fiber arts while building the best crafty community.

All fiber artists, crafters, and makers welcome regardless of your craft! This is NOT your average knit night.

Get on the email list to stay up to date with all of our meetup locations